Colleen's Corner

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Mid winter and TWC's rate increase season can get to the very best of employees, so as a leader, what am I to do for them? I decided to hold 6 weeks of fun times! We kicked off this week with the Bowl of Super Chili Cookoff (can't say Super Bowl due to trademark), where each Supervisory team could enter 3 varieties of chili. Each Customer Care employee was able to select 5 samples and rated those from 1-5 in quality. A special score was provided to any that were deemed super spicy for a special prize.

It was a huge hit! The managers hosted and organized so the employees and Supervisors were able to come in for the fun. Winners are announced tomorrow (well, today since I'm up way to late) and the winning teams get to buy their team members lunch next week.
What's on the Fun Board for next week?! Bring your Pet's Picture to Work Week! I thought, what makes my employees happy at home? Well, if you have a pet, it's likely you really enjoy it, or it's a special member of your family, so why not bring a piece of your homelife joy into work?! We're putting the pet pictures on one side of my giant white board and the employee's name on the other side and we'll have a matching contest to see who can place the most correct pet with the employee matches. Dorky? Yeah, maybe, but you should hear the buzz that was going on today when I sent out the announcement!! I'll post it tomorrow, I impressed myself with my new PrintShop software at work!

Off to bed to get some more creative ideas in my noggin. Z Z Z z z z z . . . . .