Colleen's Corner

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Wow, have you had that feeling that a bombshell was just dropped on you and you're left reeling, disoriented and confused? That's me today...

The job that I love so much has just been changed due to a company merger. The Buffalo and Rochester offices are being combined and I am no longer the VP of Customer Care. I am now a Director in Rochester, reporting to the new VP who resides in Buffalo - ouch! But worst yet, my demotion made it necessary for my Director to have to leave the company. Does this story get any worse? Yes, it former Director is a great guy, so very devoted to the company that it makes me physically sick to know he was let go. And he's still as gracious and professional about it as if it were a party he didn't get invited to. WTF, why him??!?!?!?!?

So tomorrow I have to put up a good front and plaster on my smile, answer all of the hundreds of questions I'll face from 275 employees, (who are mine now only as a Director), as to what happened and why they have a new boss. Plus begin answering to a new boss that might have his own agenda that differs from the one I've been building since November. And we've been making such great strides, performing at the top over all of our 25 divisions - including Buffalo!

Bruised ego aside, I knew I could get it off my chest on my blog and get the word out at the same time to my buddies. And to look at it from a different point of view that my very smart little girl told me tonight, "At least you still have a job Mommy"... you're right sweet Kate, you're right! Tomorrow is another day.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


A few months ago, we were at our good friends the Hastings house and were playing cards. I don't recall how the whole conversation started, but our scrapbook weekend topic, Dirty Sanchez, came up. It was a band playing at the local pub, and as we found out that weekend, it's also a pretty gross intimate act (although I'm not sure who would enjoy such a thing). Penny and I had to educate Dave and Brian as to what it was and of course we all got a lot of chuckles out of it.

If you've ever been to Penny's, she is always a gracious host and frequently has chocolate goodies out to share. On this particular evening, she had the chocolate non-pariels, you know, the ones with the little white balls on one side?
Well, needless to say, hubby Brian was feeling no pain after a full night of beers and card playing (notice his red face and eyes!). So when Penny left the room at one point, Brian began licking the non-white ball side of a piece of candy to melt the chocolate and then proceeded to rub it all over his upper lip, in reseblance of a Dirty Sanchez. Dave and I could not stop laughing, or crying is a better description. Penny came back into the room to see this great big mug shot of Brian, sporting his version of a Dirty Sanchez!

Got to love this man, scary as it may seem!