Colleen's Corner

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Well, it's taken me about 6 months to get ramping up but:

1. I am still backing up all of my photos on the computer! YAY Me!

2. Getting rid of some stuff... I have a beautiful scrapbook room but it's so cluttered I don't even enjoy working in here. I've started to clean off some shelves, took a bunch of rubber stamp sets off the shelves and will be selling them (no money on E-Bay anymore, will try locally), and I have two totes full of goodies I won't use anymore. Hoping to get a garage sale next year to make a little money on the stuff. I still have more to clean, but it's getting better. Unfortunately, Katie hasn't been very interested lately and giving her some of my stuff just keeps the clutter here, so better to box it and go!

3. Taking care of myself. I'm getting to bed no later than 10:45 on school nights - feeling better too. I've started a better eating routine, and have lost 17 lbs in 5 weeks. My clothes are just starting to feel baggy, but of course they were tight before I started so go figure! The exercise piece - ugh, not so much. I hate it, I hate thinking I have to do it, and I hate the people who enjoy doing it (well, that's a little strong, huh? OK, not really) So, I haven't started that yet - but soon, I'm working myself up to it.

On my way for 2010, I need to turn this year around for the good!


Blogger Laurie said...

Yea Colleen!! Way to take charge of 2010! Congrats on the new habits and the weight loss.

June 28, 2010 at 10:29 PM  

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