One of My Loves

When I say "one" of my loves, the other is sweet Miss Katie, but Brian was first. Here he is chillin' in Myrtle Beach after a motorcycle ride this past April. Can you see that grin on his face?
Brian is not a complicated man, rather a very real, down-to-earth kind of guy that has a devilish sense of humor. He likes to make people laugh and often does crazy stunts to get the results he's seeking. (In fact, I have few fun pictures to post later that my Sweatshoppe ladies will find hysterical.) But, he rarely really laughs himself. Something needs to really tickle his funny bone before you get a good belly laugh out of him. I often pick on him about his "12 years old sense of humor" because he giggles at passing gas, a dog burp, etc.
We're almost to our 17th wedding anniversary, and I wouldn't trade a day of that time - I love this man! (Well, OK, maybe a day or two...)